Title Bar: Waking Up Well
About Kay
Health and Wellness Coaching
Mindful Eating
Personal Training




Am I Hungry?® Workshops

Am I Hungry?® Webinars





If you have read, or are currently reading Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat or have participated in an Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Workshop, you can register for a complimentary 30-minute consultation to explore whether Am I Hungry?® Coaching is right for you. Contact Kay at 919-612-8151 or email.

Am I Hungry?® Coaching:

Coaching 3DIf you've read, or are reading "Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat" and learned the Am I Hungry?® Mindful Eating principles, you might want to meet with an Am I Hungry?® Coach to help you put what you've learned into practice. One-on-one coaching can help you with the motivation and accountability to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.

Am I Hungry?® Mindful Eating Coaching will help you:

  • Create a vision for your health and for your life;
  • Set powerful wellness goals and build a strategic plan to reach them;
  • Have an accountability partner that is 100% confident in your ability to achieve your goals and will support you every step of the way;
  • Build a trusting relationship that will help you gain greater clarity and focus in a safe environment;
  • Apply the Am I Hungry?® mindful eating principles to overcome your specific weight management challenges;
  • Begin to see improvements in all aspects of your life;
  • Make your dreams a reality!  

Am I Hungry?® Coaching FAQs:

What is Am I Hungry?® Coaching?
With AIH coaching, you meet one-on-one with me, your personal health coach, to discuss the specifics about where you are now and where you want to be. Together, we create your wellness vision and design the ideal plan to get you there. We set weekly and long-term goals, discover your strengths, address your challenges, and apply the strategies and principles you learned in Am I Hungry?® to build optimal health.

How can coaching help me?
Am I Hungry?® Coaching helps customize all aspects of the program to meet your individual needs. Step-by-step, we target those areas you struggle with and work through them together. We uncover your strengths, motivations and values; we discover the obstacles that are keeping you from total health and wellness; and we explore and develop the solutions and strategies that help you overcome them. With commitment, perseverance and an attitude of curiosity, your dreams and wishes become your goals, which then become your reality.

When do I meet with my coach?
We agree on a time that works best for you. Meetings will either take place over the phone or face to face, depending on your preference, location and schedule. Coaching sessions usually last around 30-45 minutes. For best results, it is recommended that a coaching program consist of weekly sessions for at least 3-4 months in order to allow time for transformation to take place.

How is my coach qualified?
I am a licensed Am I Hungry?® Facilitator, trained by Dr. May, and a certified Health and Wellness Coach, trained by WellCoaches, a nationally recognized health coaching program endorsed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). I am also an ACE-Certified Personal Trainer.

What is my investment?
Coaching prices vary depending on the number of sessions you decide to do. Your 30-minute consultation is complimentary and you receive detailed information about prices before you make a commitment.

What kind of results can I expect?
Your results are limited only by your vision and follow-through. If you participate fully in this process, over time you will see amazing changes in your life and will receive benefits that far exceed your expectations.

Reviewed/Updated: May 21, 2016