Title Bar: Waking Up Well
About Kay
Health and Wellness Coaching
Mindful Eating
Personal Training

Food for Thought


Contact me



Empowering self and others to grow into the full, conscious expression of our potential through an integrated balance of movement, nourishment, self-discovery, healing and transformation.


“Waking Up Well” represents a fundamental state of well-being;
it means feeling, acting and being fully alive.

It's about waking up feeling good physically, mentally, and emotionally. You are excited about the day ahead because you're fit, healthy and satisfied with your life. (Check out the Personal Training section first).

Waking Up Well is also about your internal environment (thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes). This is where you begin to recognize that your reality is heavily influenced by your perceptions. You'll learn to consciously create what you want rather than continually creating what you don't want from an unconscious state of mind. And you'll discover opportunities to realize your full potential through the work and play of self-discovery, creativity, connection, facing your fears, taking risks, and living your passions. (Check out Health and Wellness Coaching and/or Mindful Eating first).

On your road to Waking Up Well, you'll learn more about who you are, what you want, and how to be happier, healthier, and more productive. You will then feel empowered to choose how you contribute to the happiness and health of us all ~ and that is exactly why I do what I do!

For more information, please contact me at 919-612-8151 or kay@wakingupwell.com.

I AM DELIGHTED YOU FOUND YOUR WAY HERE!! Please click on any link to learn more about how we can partner to help you reach your ideal physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual vision. Then choose any one, two, or all 3 options.

Wellness is the key to a life well-lived.

Reviewed/Updated: January 2, 2018